Temple Bar Gallery + Studios announces the Commissioned Writer 2021

20 April 2021

Temple Bar Gallery + Studios is pleased to announce that Nicole Flattery is the Commissioned Writer 2021.

The TBG+S Commissioned Writer assists in expanding possibilities for writing about art. Each year we invite an Irish writer to create a series of pieces inspired by the exhibitions at Temple Bar Gallery + Studios. This commission invites writers to take their own path, fictional, personal or otherwise, and in forms inclusive of essay, poetry, prose or script. The series of texts are available to download from our website, with printed copies available in the gallery.

Nicole Flattery's story collection Show Them A Good Time was published by The Stinging Fly and Bloomsbury in 2019. She is the winner of An Post Irish Book Award, the Kate O'Brien Prize, the London Magazine Prize for Debut Fiction and The White Review Short Story Prize. Her work has appeared in The Stinging Fly, the Guardian, The White Review and the London Review of Books. Nicole Flattery is working on her debut novel Nothing Special forthcoming from Bloomsbury. She lives in Dublin.

Previous TBG+S Writers include Ian Maleney (2020), Annemarie Ní Churreáin (2019), Doireann Ní Ghríofa (2018), Gavin Corbett (2017), Claire-Louise Bennett (2016) and Sara Baume (2015).