Thirty high-quality and affordable studios at Temple Bar Gallery + Studios provide professional artists at all stages of their careers, from recent graduates to internationally recognised artists, with a vital place to work in Dublin city centre. In this open call, eight Three Year Membership Studios and four Project Studios will be allocated between February and July 2025.
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios is pleased to offer the Paul Robinson Studio Award, proudly sponsored by leading law firm Arthur Cox LLP. All applicants for Project Studio Membership will be considered for this award. Paul Robinson Studio Award will be made to one of the successful applicants for Project Studio Membership.
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios promotes equality of opportunity for all visual artists applying, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, civic or family status, religion, age, disability, socio-economic background, race, or membership of the Travelling community. Therefore, we are keen to receive applications from practicing visual artists that represent diversity of Irish society, including, but not limited to any of the aforementioned characteristics.
Deadline: Friday 11 October, 5pm