Art Walk: February 2025
19 February 2025, 2pm
Enjoy an afternoon of art in the city. We will introduce you to exhibitions and arts organisations in Temple Bar which you can later explore at your own pace.
11 December 2023, 6pm
Join publisher Story, Building and editors Ruth O’Herlihy, René Boer and Gary Hamilton for the launch of Dublin Exchange, Reflections from a City in Flux, a new collection of visual and written stories about Dublin.
Story, Building present the launch of Dublin Exchange, Reflections from a City in Flux edited by Ruth O’Herlihy, René Boer and Gary Hamilton. As part of Dublin Art Book Fair 2023, the launch celebrates this newly commissioned collection of visual and written stories about Dublin. The launch will include a series of readings and responses from the editors and contributors of the publication.
The second publication in the Exchange Series, Dublin Exchange responds to a specific moment in the city’s architecture history. In 2021, architect Niall McCullough (1958–2021) died. McCullough was one of Dublin city’s most significant writers on architecture and the city. For Dublin’s citizens, architects, and writers, his was a significant legacy of research, history, passion, intelligence, and argument for Dublin. The ‘exchange’ of the book's title makes reference to the work of McCullough but projects forward with words and photographs reflecting aspects of Dublin today.
Dublin Exchange, Reflections from a City in Flux is a new collection from exciting and emerging voices in literature, poetry, photography and architecture. The publication was funded by the Arts Council under the Architecture Project Award, awarded to Ruth O’Herlihy in 2022.
Story, Building is an independent platform for advancing the critical discourse of architecture in Ireland. It was founded in 2021 by Emmett Scanlon. Story, Building has published two books – Foreign Exchange, 2022 and Dublin, Exchange in 2023. The next in the Exchange series, Venice Exchange, will appear in 2024.
This event takes place as part of Dublin Art Book Fair 2023: Polyphonic, sponsored by Henry J Lyons and supported by Dublin UNESCO City of Literature.
Image description: A photograph of black painted construction hoarding at the street corner of a building site. A convex hooded safety mirror is attached to the top left-hand corner of the hoarding on the right-hand side of the street corner. In its reflection is more construction hoarding and buildings in an urban landscape. On the left-hand side of the street corner is a planning permission notice placed on the hoarding. In the background on the left-hand side is a building under construction.
19 February 2025, 2pm
Enjoy an afternoon of art in the city. We will introduce you to exhibitions and arts organisations in Temple Bar which you can later explore at your own pace.
22 April 2025, 6pm
On the occasion of Music Currents Festival, TBG+S Studio Artist Jaki Irvine presents SHHh...Ow...emmM, an audio visual performance with Izumi Kimura, Joe O'Farrell, Sarah Grimes and Cora Venus Lunny.