aemi Artist Talk: Rachel Garfield with Alice Butler and Daniel Fitzpatrick

17 May 2022, 8.15pm

A conversation between Rachel Garfield and aemi co-directors Alice Butler and Daniel Fitzpatrick

Experimental Film and Punk: Feminist Audio Visual Culture of the 1970s and 1980s is a new book by artist and academic Rachel Garfield which breaks new ground in exploring the rebellious, feminist Punk audiovisual culture of the 1970s and 80s by tracing its roots and its legacies.

Following a screening of a number of key works discussed in the book by Vivienne Dick, Abigail Child, Betzy Bromberg, Ruth Novaczek, Sandra Lahire and Anne Robinson at the Irish Film Institute at 6.30pm, a conversation between Rachel Garfield and aemi co-directors Alice Butler and Daniel Fitzpatrick will take place in Studio 6 at Temple Bar Gallery + Studios at 8.15pm. This conversation will mark the launch of the publication of Garfield's book and will cover subjects and figures who feature in the book and who offered a powerful, deliberately awkward alternative to hegemonic, conformist femininity, thereby creating a new ‘Punk audiovisual aesthetic’.

Tickets for the screening at IFI can be booked here

Tickets for the free conversation between Rachel Garfield and aemi's co-directors Alice Butler and Daniel Fitzpatrick are available to book through Eventbrite.

Biography, Rachel Garfield

Rachel Garfield is an artist. She is Professor in Fine Art at the University of Reading and Principle Investigator of a large AHRC funded grant (2019-2021) entitled The Legacies of Stephen Dwoskin's Personal Cinema. She is author of Experimental Film making and Punk: Feminist Audio Visual Culture of the 1970s and 1980s, Bloomsbury (2022) and with Henry K Miller, co-editor of Dwoskino: The Gaze of Stephen Dwoskin, LUX (2022). Exhibitions and screenings of Garfield’s work include, The Whitechapel Gallery, The Hatton Gallery, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Beaconsfield Gallery Vauxhall, Focal Point, London Short Film Festival and Open City Doc Festival and The Babylon Cinema Berlin, Espaciocentre, Tenerife Espacio De Les Artes, Oranim, Haifa, CCA Santa Fe, Arizona State University Museum, Aqua Art Fair Miami. Garfield’s work has featured in, “An ‘Other’ History: Feminist Art in Britain Since 1970’ Amelia Jones (eds. John Slyce, Adler, Phoebe), Contemporary Art in the United Kingdom, London: Black Dog Publishing, 2015; Steyn, Julia, “In the Hinterlands: Identity, Migration & Memory”, Cross-cultural Identities: Art, Migrants and the Metaphor of Waste, Steyn, Juliet, Stamselberg, Nadja (eds.)