Ella Bertilsson's practice explores visceral experiences that reflect life transitions, escapism and mental health through thoughts, emotions, memories, and the body. Audiences are invited to engage with installations and performances that incorporate dark humour, magical realism, and absurdity through staged realms. Moving between the personal and the universal, Bertilsson’s practice seeks to reimagine art historical tropes such as absurdism and dadaism to form a contemporary treatise on the human condition.
John Conway works extensively in the field of interdisciplinary and socially engaged practice, often in communities with shared complex or traumatic health experiences. His work is primarily developed through studio-centric artistic research, and is characterised by acute listening, sensitivity to context, and robust interrogation of material possibilities and artistic processes—reconciling pioneering collaborative contextual work with innovative and ambitious visual artworks.
Lauren Conway is a Dublin-based visual artist who uses archival materials, documentation from site visits, found images in her drawing, painting, and installation processes in order to explore experiences of education in Ireland. The work opens up a space for further connections to be made beyond the educational, exploring tensions between the empty school sites and the sensitive, exploratory writings, drawings, and worldviews of those that inhabit them.