Art Walk: February 2025
19 February 2025, 2pm
Enjoy an afternoon of art in the city. We will introduce you to exhibitions and arts organisations in Temple Bar which you can later explore at your own pace.
16 December 2023, 2–4pm
Drop in to this family zine-making workshop and enjoy creating a zine through playful exploration with drawing, writing, stencilling, collage and photocopying.
Visit Dublin Art Book Fair to explore the great selection of artist books and zines then move to the workshop studio to have a go at making your own! Through playful explorations with drawing, writing, stencilling, collage and photocopying enjoy creating a zine with your family member.
A zine is usually a small-circulation, self-published book created simple with a4 paper. An artistic format for individuals or groups to express and pursue common ideas and subjects.
This a family drop in workshop, no experience is necessary. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
This event takes place as part of Dublin Art Book Fair 2023: Polyphonic, sponsored by Henry J Lyons and supported by Dublin UNESCO City of Literature.
Image description: A photograph of a zine-making workshop. On the left, an adult with shoulder length blond hair is working on on a drawing and holds a pencil in their hand. On the right there is a child with short brown hair observing.
19 February 2025, 2pm
Enjoy an afternoon of art in the city. We will introduce you to exhibitions and arts organisations in Temple Bar which you can later explore at your own pace.
22 April 2025, 6pm
On the occasion of Music Currents Festival, TBG+S Studio Artist Jaki Irvine presents SHHh...Ow...emmM, an audio visual performance with Izumi Kimura, Joe O'Farrell, Sarah Grimes and Cora Venus Lunny.