DABF23 Reading: Contemporaneous Brand Strategy Document: A Choral Reading

09 December 2023, 5:30pm

Christodoulos Makris leads the audience to join him in a choral reading of poems from his book Contemporaneous Brand Strategy Document

Christodoulos Makris reads and leads the audience to join him in a participatory choral reading of poems from his book Contemporaneous Brand Strategy Document (Veer Books, 2023), a cycle of poems collectively exploring patterns of digital gesture, (self-)branding, and themes of identity dispersal and anxiety. This particpatory reading will be followed by an informal discussion mediated by DABF Guest Curator Wendy Erskine on polyphonic writing in contemporary poetry, and the disrupted dynamic between performer and audience.

“These are tightly sprung poems capable of startling juxtapositions"
- The Irish Times

Christodoulos Makris is a poet and writer with a practice rooted in contemporary experimental, cross-disciplinary, hybrid, documentary and collaborative poetics. He has published five books of poetry as well as several limited edition pamphlets, artists’ books, digital projects and other poetry objects. His awards include a Project Commission by IMMA, Writer in Residence at Maynooth University, a Literature Project Award from The Arts Council, and a Creativity Bursary from UCD. “One of Ireland’s leading contemporary explorers of experimental poetics” – The RTE Poetry Programme.

This event takes place as part of Dublin Art Book Fair 2023: Polyphonic, sponsored by Henry J Lyons and supported by Dublin UNESCO City of Literature.

Image description: A book cover appear in an expanse of flat pale pink. The book cover's central image is dark pink line drawing of a female head, laid over a a line-drawing of a suited male torso and head. Thick white, very large font type of the title of the book broken in the fragments reading 'CONTEMPO / RANEOUS / BRAND / STRATEGY / DOCUMENT ' and fills the page from top to bottom, while the title recurs many times across and along the surface of the cover in small black type. In the background there are four rectangular (portrait orientation) frames of different colours. From outside in they are light green, light blue, purple, and pink.